Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hey! I do not have any pictures of the wedding yet... but I promise as soon as I get them I will share them with ya'll!
To those who have been waiting, I'm sorry it has taken me so long to do a post. Recently I have been a little on the busy side.

:) Today, I think I shall do a bit of catching up. Here are some pictures from the shower Ashley Stafford and her mother gave. (Thank you very much!)

Consie trying out the cake. :) The food was Fantastic!

Ashley Castlebury's turn drawing at game of wedding pictionary. Ashley Stafford and Shelli came up with this game.

The bottom half above is the picture Mrs. Castlebury drew. Ashley Stafford was the one who came up with this picture. She did not mean for Mrs. Castlebury to draw it. She purposely looked through to make sure she did not give it to Trevor's sister and oops she ended up giving it to his mother. Can you guess what it is???

We were given lots of very nice and some totally awesome gifts!
My Aunt Jan gave a short devotional and then my Grandmother shared some things with us.
Above is my Mom, Mrs. McGinnis, and my Mother-in-law talking with the other ladies.
I was very nervous throughout the shower but other than that, everything went wonderfully! Both Faith and Cold Spring churches also threw showers for us. (I have no pictures of them.) They were really nice and we also received many wonderful and very useful gifts.
We have been so blessed with friends and family who have really gone above and beyond to help in anyway they could. Thank you very much for everything! Without you I don't know what I would have done.
Have a wonderful day!

1 comment:

Updated by Lila Huggins (grandmother) said...

Can't wait for the wedding pictures!!!
Bless you,
Miss Lila in Atlanta