Friday, May 28, 2010

Big news!

Hey ya'll this is Trevor. I'm Thelma husband and I am doing a blog post for her. Well the big news around our place has been about a baby...
Our baby to be exact. The sweetest, cutest and most perfect baby girl was born on
April the 23rd at 10:29am.
Isabella Grace Castlebury
The labor and delivery went very well. We chose to have our baby at a birthing center, with a midwife, instead of at a hospital. The birthing center was awesome and we had very intimate and exciting birth.

This was taken 30 minutes after she was born.

She sure does sleep a lot.

Having a good dream I believe. What do babies dream about?

Thelma and Isabella on mothers day :)

Isabella and me on mothers day.

2 happy girls :)

She loves to cuddle.

Some people will lead you to believe that having children is a pain and tell you about how bad life now is, loss of sleep, and how life is now ruined since having a child. But don't listen to them. There's nothing like it and its all in what you make of it.