Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Trevor is getting old!!!
(Just to let you know... I plan on never turning 21 no matter how many birthdays I have)
On May the 6th Trevor we celebrated Trevor's 23rd birthday! It was a lot of fun!!!

My parents gave him some pictures.

I'm not sure why he's making this face but it sure is strange.

I got him something he likes.

Whats in the big box?
Here he's showing me how fast the world spins.

We put the world on a shelf.

Week 6

Trevor found these in the front yard and were not sure what they are.

A view down the driveway.

Grass that grew.

Our garden soon after it was planted.

Missy guarding the corn.

Thank to my wonderful husband who sweetly added all the text to the pictures for me! I hope you enjoyed. Next on the list.... hopefully an up to date post on present happenings!... or at least more recent pictures!
Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 3 & 4

:) Week 3
Trevor went back to work :(
The sun set from the kitchen window.

:) On Saturday Trevor put up our mail box. We don't receive very much mail. :) Even the stores fliers we never shop at are a welcome find!

Trevor deciding where to dig the hole at.

:) Tapping in the dirt.

The last screw.

Missy giving her begging eyes. She wanted off her leash so she could chase the cows a cross the street.
(P.S. The phone company has been updating there lines.
In there working the mail box was ... Bumped.)

Week 4

Trevor would come home from work the next couple of weeks adding to the flower beds a little at a time. He all so put in a flag stones for a path. :) Which is VERY nice to have especially after it has rained!
The house from the front.
The view from the road.
Trevor setting up the sprinkler to water the grass seeds. :)
Trevor cleaning out between the trees along the Bull Run. :) It looks much better now.
Who needs a chain saw???
Well that's all I have time for today. Please do forgive me for taking me so very long to post! I'm not able to get a lot done on the computer and other things have been taking priority when I do have time to log on. Thank you very much to all who read and comment on my blog. I really enjoy hearing from you!!! I'm very sorry I'm not always able to reply promptly.
I hope you have a wonderful day(s).
:) Untill..... next time.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 2 of Married Life

:) It is very hard to believe in less then a week Trevor and I will have been married for 4 Months! It has been Wonderful! We have both learned things about each other we had not known before we were married and for the most part I think they have been good. We both agree if the next 60 years are anything like the last 4 months... Wow, we have a lot to look forward to! There is not a thing in the world we have complain about (even though at times we still do) God has greatly blessed us!

Saturday morning after getting home from the honeymoon Friday night we realized we did not have any silverware! Trevor made do with a great BIG one :). So with this in mind we set out and spent all day in town buying the miss. things we needed. It was fun watching him try to eat!

Trevor had the whole next week off and dug right in to working around the outside of the house. It looked so much homier after he was done.

There was just clay around the house so he loosened it up and mixed in some top soil. :) I got to help him with this.

He had gone over to his parents land and picked up rock to frame out the flower beds.

He also worked to smooth out the yard and planted grass. You can see Missy our puppy happily following him around.
Later I think it was the beginning of the next week it rained and washed so he had to reseed.

Our very 1st Pizza! :) And oh was it good! I had never made a pizza from scratch before so it was a learning experience for me. It was fun! since then we have had one almost every week. Trevor claims they keep getting better but I think that first one was the best!

After pizza we pulled out one of the games someone had given us. :) I cheated by using my hand to hold up the tower while I pulled out the blocks... :) and Trevor still won! Thank you all who gave us gifts we really have appreciated them all!

On Saturday after a good and full week Trevor pulled out his guitar and played for awhile. I love listening to him play. It is so peaceful and relaxing!

So that was a look into our 2nd week of life together and the very first week at HOME! I hope you enjoyed it! So much has happened since then (although I don't know how it seems like it was just yesterday!) I will try to stay on top of posting and get you up to date. :) But till then have a wonderful week!


Friday, July 17, 2009

Honeymoon Part 2!

Point Park and The Cravens House

The entrance to the park. I really like the way it looks. Very cool!

There was a stone wall running along the front by the road.

Here is Trevor by one of the staircases up into the tower by the main gate.

Since it was a civil war battle site there were lots of monuments at the park.

One VERY good looking man! :)

If you know of anyone selling a canon Trevor is in the market for one.

It was a beautiful day and not to hot. The view from the park looking out over Chattanooga was very good.

He wants any one he can get his hands on! :)

Further down there was another lookout and a trail leading to the Cravens House.

:) Can you guess who had the camera???

:) Some stairs leading down to the trail.

Some ugly buzzards we found feasting on another hiker. J/K!

We made it in time for lunch so we looked around and turned to hiked another hour with growling tummies back to the car so we could get some lunch.

The Honeymoon was a lot of fun and we have many memories from our VERY 1st trip!

So next on to life at HOME!!! :)

Have a wonderful day!

Friday, June 12, 2009

The Honeymoon

The Honeymoon :)

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to post!

Trevor planned the whole trip... He asked me if I wanted to help but I had so many other things going on to get ready for the wedding I asked him to do. :) So he turned it into a surprise I had no clue where we were going... :) and that was just fine with me. So the night before the wedding he told me his plans.... Here are some of the pictures from throughout the week....

We stayed at a bed and breakfast on Lookout Mountain in GA.
About 20 minutes from Chattanooga. All the days are blurred together... so the beginning of the week we walked/drove around Chattanooga greatly enjoying spending the time with each other and the joy of being married with the wedding behind us and the feeling we could breath again and not have to be always thinking about all that needed to be done in so short a time.

:) At last a much looked forward to vacation!!!

It was cold and windy! :) All the more reason to stick close to Trevor.

I think it was Monday that saw us on our way to Rock City but I'm not sure. This was by far our favorite place out of every where we visited. We spent to whole day there and had to recharge the camera batteries several times. All the different stone bridges and paths, the plants, the beautiful views, and the underground Mother Goose Village :) fueled the imagination... especially Trevor's. It was a lot of fun!

Another day... I don't have a clue what day it was we set out for ruby falls...
:) What a awesome God we have who has created all.

:) The Knitting Mill Antiques ended up taking most of a day. The building was really big. It used to be a Knitting Mill :) thus the name. We later went back and bought a couple of the things we found there. :) Trevor found some coins in one of the booths and called his dad to find out if they were over priced. :) It was a very good rainy day.

Did you know that there is a towing museum??? I did not till Trevor told me. We know a man that is in the hall of fame. :) And since we were there Trevor wanted to go and see it.

And along the week we had to do laundry so we spent some time in a laundry mat.

Here are some pictures of the bed and breakfast...

We stayed in the back corner. They had great service and the breakfasts tasted wonderful!

Thanks for dropping in!