Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Watching the boys work!

Friday and Saturday I was over at Bull Run (The road Trevor is building the house on.) having fun watching him work.
:) How would you like to have this guy building you a house??? Thankfully he had lots of people to keep an eye on him. :)
I showed up Friday morning and Trevor gave me a tour. :) Then I went flower picking and he and his brothers started back to work. Trevor had no vase for me to put these weeds in, so a coil of nails was used.
His dad and brothers helped a lot!!! :)

By the time they left Saturday evening this is what it looked like. :)
Monday and Tuesday Trevor claims to have walked in circles around the house, blowing a trumpet seeing if it would fall down. He was glad it didn't. (I highly recommend doing a blog post with Trevor for the first time late at night. It's a LOT of FUN!!!) I personally think he might have done a little work though. Like the porch off the front...
:) Trevor helped with this post. He would sit there and snicker while trying to read my scrambled miss spelled words out loud... :) He has a very happy contagious way about him when He is getting sleepy. It was a lot of fun doing it. :)
I really like the first picture. What do you think of it???
Have a wonderful day ya'll. :)

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