Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Faith Independent Baptist Church's VBS 2008

:) I really enjoy VBS at my Church. Kids running around with lots of little smiles on their faces (well for most part). Who can resist enjoying it?!! Here are pictures :)
Getting the back of the auditorium ready.
Adah and Stephanie
Laura and John helping make animals (spiders and such) with pipe cleaners.
Lance and Josiah cutting boards to make cutting boards. The children worked on putting a verse on them as a craft and got to take them home at the end of VBS.
VBS Stated on Monday and went through Friday. I was only able to make it up for two of the nights. And really enjoyed the lessons each of those nights.
The lessons were on the 7 C's :
  1. Creation
  2. Corruption
  3. Catastrophe
  4. Confusion
  5. Christ
  6. Cross
  7. Consummation
Each year dad tries his very best to get the teens involved and active in VBS with the adults more in the the background watching and making sure everything is running smoothly.
Kids singing 'I Will Never March In The Infantry'.
And of course you can't forget 'Deep And Wide'. :)
:) I don't know who was heading up the skits this year but, they did a great job.
:0) The ones I saw were really good.
Everything going on was supposed to reinforce the lesson for that night. Night #3 was the flood so, the kids had blue jello that they could put animals in for their snack.
The teens watching the children play.

We got eaten up by mosquitos. :) But, it was still a ton of fun playing with them.
Jacob using the insect repellent.
:) If you know my dad very well you know this is one of his favorite games to play.
:) He likes playing with a beach ball because he finds it a lot easier on his hands to hit the ball and then even the little kids can play and thus, a much more enjoyable and fun game.
Some people have asked me if any of the kids got saved... The answer is, I don't know. I was not there for the last night which was on salvation. :) I do know though, that last year we had several which included some of the church kids.
Thank you for taking the time to look through the the pictures.
:) I hope you enjoyed them. Have a wonderful day!

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