Saturday, December 27, 2008

:) Oh at last...

It's official! We are to be wed!!! :)
(And I'm the owner of the most beautiful diamond ring ever as of Dec. 24, 2008!!!)

Monday, December 8, 2008

Thanksgiving ~ Trevor's House

I had wonderful Thanksgiving! :) Did you?
There is so much I have to be thankful for it's hard to know where to start.
:) Here are the top five... or so :)
  • God has greatly blessed me with a wonderful family!... I really need to work on letting them know how much I appreciate and love them! (especially Adah)
  • I have a group of Friends I would not trade for the world. They challenge, uplift, and encourage me to be all that I can be... Thank ya'll so very much!!!
  • I have a job I really enjoy doing. (Although someday I'd like to be doing something completely different full time.) I have great bosses and coworkers that are friends and we all get along wonderfully with each other. By the way...

:) The UPS crew has grown to cover the holiday work load. :) My little or well younger sister Adah has temporarily joined us for the Christmas rush. She is almost always happy, smiley, :) very gullible, and so very easy to tease. I'm really so happy about getting to work with her for a little bit this month! :)

She has been adding here own touches (the Christmas hat made to look like a tongue) to the store. Sam say she is definitely my sister... I wondered way in till I realized Anna and I had made the smiley face on the wall. It hangs on the above Josh's disk which is fondly know as the black hole. When ever Josh came to pay the bills he developed a dark cloud hovering above his head. Anna and I love fun projects... especially when we know they will get a laugh out of Sam. So, we thought we should do something to brighten up this corner. :) I think Adah's addition adds a lot! What do you think of it???

  • And last but not least is Trevor... :) He is wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!

:) I have enjoyed the last 5 months soooo much!!! He comes over to my house, I go to his, and we go to church in Cleveland most every Sunday. The time has gone by really really fast. It is so exciting to watch Trevor build his house. He is working very hard to make it as nice as he can. It's fun to sit over there watching him work, although when it's as cold out I don't stay as long. He puts a lot of thought into how things will look. :) I love listening to him tell me about how he is doing this or that to make it all match or how he has seen something done and likes the way it adds something to the house. :) Every time he asks me things like 'what kind of vent fan do you want in the bathroom' or tells me 'we need to decide what color to paint the outside of our house' it causes my heart to flutter with joy!

On Thanksgiving my family got to come out and see the house for the first time. :)

(Dad was taking a picture of the plumbing so he had Lance hold a box over a the window.)

The house is 24' by 32 which is something like 768 square feet.. :) I think.

I'm glad they got to come see it. :)

I hope you all have a good day. We have such a great and so very wonderful God. He's works things out better then we could every imagine and way better then I deserve.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas is here at the Ups store!

Last week I got out all the Christmas decorations and put them up with Sam's help. Normally Anna and I do it but she was in Florida visiting family for Thanksgiving.
Untangling the garland and pretending to be innocent

I cutout and put together some paper stars. :) We have lots of paper here to work with during the slower times of the day.
I don't think Sam really liked me working on top of the shelves. :) I would have paid money to have a pictures of some of his facial expressions.
Ashley Castlebury made some really cute mittens that helped finish everything off.
It was Fun :)

Out of curiosity which do you like more
White lights?
Have you put up your dectorations up yet???
Trevor come over last night and helped me finish up the lights of the front of the house. It was cold but a lot of fun.
Have good day. :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Trip to Alabama :)

Hello! :) We had an wonderful trip and are very glad to be back home safely. Although I must admit I really miss seeing Trevor in the morning and having devotions with him. We got back home from our trip Saturday morning after driving through the night. :) Need I say that it was a rather long eight hours? I'm so glad we did that instead of taking up the whole day Saturday though!!!

Grandpa's house

Here is a short time line of our visit to the grandpa's nut farm :) ....
  • On Tuesday we traveled most of the day and got caught up with everyone.
  • Wednesday we had a thanksgiving lunch and the boys goofed off for a little bit.
  • Thursday morning Adah, Lance, Trevor, and I headed out to do some shopping. :) We found some great sales on clothing and had a blast. After lunch we went to the beach. Later that evening we all gathered around the table for a loooong game of dominoes. :)
  • After waking up tired on Friday, we gathered pecans off the forest floor. In the afternoon grandpa pulled the tractor out and revved up the tree shaker and shook a few pecan trees with it. Down fell some pecans, leaves, and half the tree limbs. And back to work we went.... Then we strenuously labored in the cotton field.

:) We were not the only visitors that were there. All of grandpa's brothers (He is the eldest of four boys) had come for thanksgiving. It had been a long time since we had seen some of them. And all of them have a teasing streak in them!!! :) It was so much fun having them there and listening to them talk about 'the good old days'!

Gifford (grandaddy), Jerry, Dewayne, and Hugh


Behind the house is ten acres, a man (the son of the man he bought the land from) is leasing form Grandpa. He alternates between planting Cotton and potatoes there. :) This year it was Cotton and it looked beautiful!

The Cotton field

Before leaving Trevor strenuously labored trying to find the perfect pieces of cotton to pick and bring home to his Mom and Sister.

Looking out of the pecan trees toward the cotton

:) The orchard was a lot bigger than it looked. The camera could not take a picture wide enough for you to see, but there were rows and rows of more trees to the right. There is about 40 acres of pecan trees. It was fun walking through them with Trevor :) and Lance who was faithfully to quick tag along with us.
:) Thanksgiving dinner was so good! :) We ate leftovers for the rest of the week.

Trevor and I at the table.


After lunch Uncle Dwayne dared JEB to ride his bike backwards. JEB kept working on it till he got it down. He almost ran into several trees though. :)
The beach was really nice. The boys jumped right in and had a lot of fun. They found a jelly fish... It was really cool looking but I did not stick around long looking at it, knowing that JEB finds a great amount of joy in scaring people. I found some pretty sea shells I'm looking forward to putting to use. :) Time flies when you are having fun!!! :(

The girls won!!!
We played girls against boys in dominoes... It was fun! Trevor and I were playing together so he was on the girls team... :) He was teased a lot for it. Adah kept offering advice on which dominoes my Uncles should play... And of course it was by accident she had seen them. As the game wore on it got a lot worse. :) It really started bugging Trevor. The game finally ended around 12:15. It was a blast! The ending score was 2864 for the girls and 386 to the boys.
Picking up pecans was relaxing. (Except on the really humid days) Grandaddy has several different tools to pick them up with. It was a lot of fun trying them out.
Lance using the pinwheel pickerupper
Uncle Jerry hauling leaves and pecans after emptying out the pinwheel pickerupper.
Grandpa sorting through the nuts for the bad or cracked ones.
More sorting
This was cool to watch! Grandpa would push the nuts over the edge (there is a metal flap that is bent diagonally that you can't see in the picture that the pecans fell against) then the fan would blow all the bad ones out and the good ones would fall into the tub because they are heavier.
The tree shaker
:) The trip was a blast!!! I'm so very glad we were able to go.
Trevor's Place
:) It is looking more and more like a house every time I see it!!! It's really exciting to see how it is coming along. Sunday, Trevor and I had fun looking through paint colors for the outside... well at least I was really enjoying it. I hope he did too!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

:) Hello everyone.

:) Have I mentioned lately how much I really enjoy having Trevor around?... I do so very much!! He adds a great deal of joy and happiness when ever He comes around.
Most of the time my dearest younger brothers play well together...

:) But when Trevor comes around their protective natures hit with full force.

They snuggle up as close as they can to me on the couch thus trying to provoke his jealousy. :)

:) I'm so blessed with the family God has given me.
Monday Trevor is joining my family on a road trip. We are going to visit my grandpa ( my mothers dad) in Alabama. :) I'm looking forward to it!! And I'll try my best to do a post on it after we get back. :) Have a great day ya'll.
Oh and PS all the pictures were staged :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Teen outing :)

Hello :) and good afternoon. Are ya'll having a good day? :0) I do hope so!
This last week has been rather fun! I completed a skirt I had been working on off-and-on all week and am quite happy with how it turned out. :) I used a pateren for making it and am looking forward to starting on another one and doing a little tweaking to it.
Saturday Faith had a teen outing... :)
The weather could not have possibly been any better. The leaves where changing colors, the air was crisp (but not freezing), the sky was blue. :) and Trevor came!!!
We went to Sky Top to pick/buy some apples.

And did a good bit of goofing off in front of the camera.

It was a blast!
Then, after finishing there we headed out for DuPont Forest.
Twice a year once in the spring and again in the fall the FODF (Friends of DuPont Forest) offer shuttle bus rides to some of the water falls as a fund raiser.
Not all of the the teens were able to make the trip. :( We missed them.

We were told over and over not to step on any wet rocks because when wet they become very slippery. Trevor and I saw one guy who proved this point quite well. Poor guy, it was chilly out and he was totally soaked. We saw him again about thirty minutes after he had fallen in and he looked miserable!

:) I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Have a great Day!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Birthdays @ the UPS Store... :)

This last week both Sara and I reached the completion date of nineteen years on earth... :) We are now twenty!!!
Cake, candles,
custom made birthday cards,
balloons, free lunch, and "Happy Birthday!!!" banners!
+ being thoroughly spoiled by Sam

= Some very happy females around here.
:) Thank you!