Saturday, December 25, 2010

It has been way to long!

Hello! It seems every year that time starts to speed up during the beginning of September. I look around and before I know it the year is over! It's all I can do just to keep up and I love every moment of it. Late summer and fall is by far my favorite time of year!

Isabella is doing very well and is getting so big! She has started forming a baby vocabulary with her latest word being "ni ni" meaning night night when she is ready to go to bed. She is such a little sweet heart!
Playing with her rattle

Trevor has been working hard and is greatly enjoying his time off around the holidays.
 I don't know what in the world I would ever do with out him!!! He is a great encouragement and inspiration. :) The most wonderful and loving husband and Daddy! Isabella has become a daddy's girl through and through. She will sit outside for hours just watching him work. And starts scooting across the floor as fast as she can to him when he gets home form work. It is so much fun to watch them spend time together because you can clearly see that you both are loving every minute of it.
'Helping' Daddy cut firewood.

 Life for me seems to be over flowing with joy and happiness. All though all mothers and wives have some trials for me those baby kisses and my husbands hugs as he gets home form work makes everything well worth it and then some! I have been busy just about the house, trying to keep up with Isabella, and recently have managed to squeeze some sewing and a couple little craft projects (That have been waiting to be done for a very long time)! I have to keep this post short today but I am planing on doing another one soon.... well as soon as I can find time!
Isabella starting to crawl

It is so nice of you to have come by. Thank you and
I hope you have had a very
Merry Christmas!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pictures from August

Hello! How are all of you doing?
It is kind of hard for me to believe that I am doing a post so soon. It has only been a little over two weeks since my last!!!
Life here keeps rolling along. Every day seems to bring something new that is all it's own.
Parent hood is suiting Trevor and I just fine. :) We probably find it so enjoyable because we have such a well behaved baby. I found yesterday that if I sing along with the CD of Pachelbel's Canon it put Isabella to sleep in seconds vs. the 30 min. of rocking! I tried it again this today and had the same result. :)
Hmmm what does this taste like?
Isabella has really become interested in everything we are doing and wants to have a hand in it all!
Isabella has been pulling herself into a sitting position for a while now. A couple weeks ago I was playing with her on the bed and after she set up she let go of my fingers. She had a surprised look on her face like 'what am I doing???' at first. :) Then she moved and over she went. She has become much better at it since then.
One night I went outside to spend some time with Trevor while he was working on a project. As the shadows lengthened I enjoyed seeing the sunset and the moon shining in the sky. This picture does not do it justis!... But maybe it will give you some idea.

Meet the newest member of the house, Mr. Winston. He is a sweet kitty and has quite a personality. It is fun to set on the porch swing and watch him play... although some times I get the feeling he is eying my toes!!!
Missy does not know what to think of him. I do believe she is rather jealous.
Here are some more additions.
(but only for 7 more weeks, then they will be in the freezer)
We received 100 chicks on the 26th. They have gotten a lot bigger in the last week! They are not nearly as cute.

Isabella "helping" Daddy pick tomatoes, leaves, or anything else in arms reach.
:) So that is a little bit from things around here.
Oh and don't forget to go by and see Trevor's blog. He has been so excited about it and checks every night to see if anyone has looked at it or left him a comment. If you have a second please go by and drop him a quick note.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A quick update

Isabella will be 17 weeks old tomorrow. She is growing so fast!

Just second ago I saw a little arm wave so I went to investigate. (Isabella had been taking a nap on our bed.) Sure enough I was greeted by a bright eyed little girl with legs kicking arms waving
and a face splitting grin.
Little things...
How they make my day!

Trevor has been working hard. He is getting ready to start another batch of meat chickens. Trevor is also starting a blog... although he as yet to do the first post. If you would like to know what is going on with the chickens drop in over there. There should be a post up before the end of this week. I have a link to it is listed in 'My Blog List'.

:) I'm doing really good. Not much is going on with me. I'm slowly working on getting things sorted and arranged around the house. It seems like every time I get rid of something there is five more pieces of stuff to fill it's place. Is there ever a end to the clutter???

Well dinner is waiting to be made and I just put the baby down to sleep so I better get to it while I have the chance.
:) Thank you for visiting! Please come again.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sweet Times


Oh how things have changed in my life since my last post. How many wonderful memories have been acquired. Tears come to my eyes just thinking back on the past 10 week... Has it really been that long since Isabella was born? It seems like just yesterday that I got to hold her in my arms for the first time!
Our Dearest Little Girl

I do believe one of my favorite things to do as of late has been to just set and watch Trevor hold and play with Isabella. :) She is a little Daddy's girl!
Getting 'Loved-On' by Daddy

Isabella wants to either be feed, rocked and sung to, or bounced to sleep. At times it can take awhile (and by the end you are ready for a nap as well) but to have her warm little body snuggled up against you sleeping makes it worth it every time!
Nap Time

:) She is so sweet and cute. It would be hard to not be completely in love with her!
Her First 'Piggy-Back' Ride

Just in the last couple of weeks she has started entertaining herself for longer periods of time. I can put her in her Bumper Jumper and can get a little bit of work done while she plays. She is starting to able to work her fingers. :) It is so exciting watching her GROW. Every day I can see her changing more and more.
Playing in her Bumper Jumper

:) I would not trade it for all the riches in the world! It suits my liking just fine. As early as I can remember I have always wanted to get married young and have children. I wanted to be a mama! Now that I am it still has not quite sunken in. Trevor says I've changed and become more 'motherly'. Me... I'm just so happy and at the same time a little scared. God has entrusted us with this little girl to raise. It is wonderful to know we have our families we can lean upon for support and advise but when it is said and done the great responsibility of raising her is all ours. Please pray for us as we seek to serve God and raise up a righteous and Godly generation.
Having Our Picture Taken

I was just swing on the front porch with Trevor. Looking out over the field and watching the sky start to change colors above the trees. I heard the wind chime softly sing in a slight breeze. Isabella was falling asleep on my shoulder. I listened to my wonderful husband talk. Trevor asked if we could have ever imagined the happiness and love we felt right then? And we agree that life holds so much more then our wildest dreams could ever hold. How wonderfully blessed we are! So many times we take what we have for granted. We live life looking toward the future wanting more than what we have been given and in the process loss the precise gift God has given us... TODAY.
Smiling at Daddy

And by the way...

Happy 4th of July!!!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Big news!

Hey ya'll this is Trevor. I'm Thelma husband and I am doing a blog post for her. Well the big news around our place has been about a baby...
Our baby to be exact. The sweetest, cutest and most perfect baby girl was born on
April the 23rd at 10:29am.
Isabella Grace Castlebury
The labor and delivery went very well. We chose to have our baby at a birthing center, with a midwife, instead of at a hospital. The birthing center was awesome and we had very intimate and exciting birth.

This was taken 30 minutes after she was born.

She sure does sleep a lot.

Having a good dream I believe. What do babies dream about?

Thelma and Isabella on mothers day :)

Isabella and me on mothers day.

2 happy girls :)

She loves to cuddle.

Some people will lead you to believe that having children is a pain and tell you about how bad life now is, loss of sleep, and how life is now ruined since having a child. But don't listen to them. There's nothing like it and its all in what you make of it.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring chickens

Wow! It has been over 6 months since I last posted. Trevor and I are doing very good. God has continued to bless us and our marriage. Well this morning I went to the post office and when I got home I decided to do a blog post on what I had picked up there for Trevor.

He now has 100 some chicks.

You might ask why, what for, or what brought this about?

Well you see...
Last year Trevor decided to give raising some meat chickens a try. So after reading Joel Salatin's book "Pastured Poultry Profits" and putting together a small brooder he ordered 20 Cornish Cross chicks. :) They are cute at first...

and then in my point of view they are just ugly as they start getting their fathers.

Missy would get so jealous of the Chicks and would demand Trevor's attention.

One day I went outside and found that the chickens had gotten out of their pen and Missy was quite happily trying to 'help' catch them so she ended up being put into the brooder till Trevor got home and caught the chickens. She did not like this at all! She sat there and gave me the most pitiful puppy eyes every time I passed her.

After getting out of their pen when no one was home we had 11 casualties, and one in critical care that ended up not making it.

Around week nine my dad and brothers came over to help with the butchering

And after thinking about it... Trevor wanted to try again.