Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Trevor is getting old!!!
(Just to let you know... I plan on never turning 21 no matter how many birthdays I have)
On May the 6th Trevor we celebrated Trevor's 23rd birthday! It was a lot of fun!!!

My parents gave him some pictures.

I'm not sure why he's making this face but it sure is strange.

I got him something he likes.

Whats in the big box?
Here he's showing me how fast the world spins.

We put the world on a shelf.

Week 6

Trevor found these in the front yard and were not sure what they are.

A view down the driveway.

Grass that grew.

Our garden soon after it was planted.

Missy guarding the corn.

Thank to my wonderful husband who sweetly added all the text to the pictures for me! I hope you enjoyed. Next on the list.... hopefully an up to date post on present happenings!... or at least more recent pictures!
Have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 3 & 4

:) Week 3
Trevor went back to work :(
The sun set from the kitchen window.

:) On Saturday Trevor put up our mail box. We don't receive very much mail. :) Even the stores fliers we never shop at are a welcome find!

Trevor deciding where to dig the hole at.

:) Tapping in the dirt.

The last screw.

Missy giving her begging eyes. She wanted off her leash so she could chase the cows a cross the street.
(P.S. The phone company has been updating there lines.
In there working the mail box was ... Bumped.)

Week 4

Trevor would come home from work the next couple of weeks adding to the flower beds a little at a time. He all so put in a flag stones for a path. :) Which is VERY nice to have especially after it has rained!
The house from the front.
The view from the road.
Trevor setting up the sprinkler to water the grass seeds. :)
Trevor cleaning out between the trees along the Bull Run. :) It looks much better now.
Who needs a chain saw???
Well that's all I have time for today. Please do forgive me for taking me so very long to post! I'm not able to get a lot done on the computer and other things have been taking priority when I do have time to log on. Thank you very much to all who read and comment on my blog. I really enjoy hearing from you!!! I'm very sorry I'm not always able to reply promptly.
I hope you have a wonderful day(s).
:) Untill..... next time.