I opened the front door Tuesday morning to go to work...
:) Instead, I checked the clock to make sure I still had time, grabbed a camera and went for a quick walk. It was simply too beautiful a morning to pass up a little time outside. My dad enjoys gardening. He also prefers plants that produce food. The flower beds around the house are made up of fruits and vegetables. :) Dad likes them being near the house where he can keep an eye on them. ( He always finds the first one ripening and watches it so he can eat it before anyone else finds it.) These are the pictures I took.
Here are the grape, muscadine, and scuppernong vines.
:) Don't they make you want to try one!???
These are the strawberry plants in front of the house. We have three strawberry patches altogether. The other two are in the garden and down by the lake.
Sheppard has headed up and greatly helped dad with most of the planting. He has been doing a lot of reading on herbs, forest gardens, etc. This is his small herb garden by the house. :) (And therefore close to the kitchen.)
Here are his tomatoes. The tomato plants he got are Cherokee purple, Green Zebra, and I think a Hungarian...? Well a Hungarian something-or-another. If you know what the rest of name is please let me know. They tried the Green Zebra and the Hungarian one last night and they all really liked them. (which he made me try... I greatly dislike tomatoes!!!)
The blueberry bushes were move from the front yard to the dam, you can't see them very well in the picture but they are quite loaded down with berries.
:0) That means blueberry muffins are on the way!!!
With all of Dad and Sheppard's planting, JEB caught the planting fever and made an addition of some watermelons and sweet banana peppers.
And on a whole new note...
My cousin's youngest little boy has been staying with us for almost a week now.
Hayden (3 years old)
His brother Hunter (who is 4) was born with half a heart and under went heart surgery last week. Everything thing went really good and he is recovering faster then they had thought he would. The doctors said he might need to stay in the hospital up to six weeks but, are now talking about sending him home this weekend. :)
:) Watching Lance 'look after' Hayden has been fun. He has not ever spent a whole lot of time with a little kid. :) He really does not have a clue what to do with them.
:) Oh boy-oh-boy, do I have more news... but for now it will have to wait for another day. :)
:0) Have a great day!!!